Our August River Trip

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Our August River Trip

Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:17 am

We did this trip last year with the Pajero, this was the sole reason we bought the landy, as we had R64000 worth of damage on the Paj, plastics and scratches and so on.

This year with the Landy was a hell of a lot of fun. and we didn't mind the scratches :lol:

We made our bed in the back of the landy and packed everything in Wolf packs. only our table was on the roof.

And best of all, she did the trip without any problems or engine failures or over heating, well she was just perfect.

I miss my Pajero a whole lot, but the Defender was made for a trip like this.


Re: Our August River Trip

Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:10 am

The river trip always looks good, and some good pics you have posted. I haven't gone yet on one of these and will do so once the laaitjie is a little bigger. What was the prob on the Paj and what would you change (besides to the Landy) to reduce the damage?



Re: Our August River Trip

Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:25 pm

Well they have made some changes to the river trip, as the year before only 4 of the 12 cars that entered actually got home on their own steam :shock:

The Pajero being one of them. They have also started to enter from another point with less trees(thorn trees) and river crossings in the way. sad, cause this was the fun part, even though it took us around 4.5hours to recover a Gen 2.5 out the river....

a body is important if you want to have fun, but not essential as there are sissie routes to take most of the time. The Pajero got scratched really badly and I lost 2 fenders and a side sill, got a bad dent in my petrol tank. she was very happy in the water though and I had no water coming into the cab on this trip. I also got a dent on my Nudgebar, but that is to be discussed over a beer not an open forum..... :lol:

the trip they are doing these days are a hell of a lot of fun, but not as hardcore as the previous year was!! MO

There are lots of places to play and get stuck and well roll over if you don't watch yourself.

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